For players that have basic understanding of the fundamentals and are ready to play live games. The first couple of weeks are an evaluation and try out. The coaches will try to place players in the appropriate class. If the Skills Development Clinic is a better option we will ask to switch or offer a prorated refund for the rest of the classes.
3-on 3 Half court games are focused on the development of players to transition into a full court game. Allows players to touch the ball more often, more space on the court to operate, basic screens and focused on fundamentals.
We substitute players every 5 minutes. Games are 20 minutes long. 20 Minutes of instruction before the games. We keep team win - loss record through out the season. Includes Playoffs and Championship games.
Middle School League
For players that have basic understanding of the fundamentals and are ready to play live games. The first couple of weeks are an evaluation and try out. The coaches will try to place players in the appropriate class. If the Skills Development Clinic is a better option we will ask to switch or offer a prorated refund for the rest of the classes.
5-on-5 Full court games.
Eight, 4 minutes periods or four, 8 minute quarters.
Subsitutes allowed only at the beginning of each 4 minute period.
Each player must play at least 4 periods (16 minutes) or half the game with certain exceptions allowed.
Running time. Clock stops for time outs, end of period, and last 2 minutes of the game.
6 Time outs per team for the whole game.
6 Team fouls per half. 1 and 1 free throws on the 7th team foul, 2 free throws on the 10th team foul.
Players sit out of the game on the 6th personal foul.
30 Second shot clock in the last two minutes of the game.
One coach per team

Skills Development Clinic starts at 5 years old.